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Comments, Suggestions and Complaints

We aim to provide the highest standard of care and services.

Your views whether complimentary or critical are invaluable in helping us to constantly evaluate and improve our care and service quality.

If you ever wish to make a comment, suggestion or complaint about the quality of the care or services we provide please talk to your Support Worker, or if you would rather speak to someone at a more senior level please contact our Care Quality Manager directly.

We have a leaflet called "What to do if you have a comment, suggestion or complaint" a copy of which is supplied to all our clients as part of their Welcome Pack, and is available for inspection by all prospective clients. If you would like a copy of this leaflet please contact us.

If you feel your concerns are very serious and wish to make a formal complaint, we will provide you with a copy of our complaints procedure, which explains clearly how to do this. If you would like a copy of our complaints procedure please contact us.

Care2Care Services is registered with the Care Quality Commission as a domiciliary care provider, allowing us to provide a range of personal care and support services to individuals in their own home or wherever they wish.

If you feel that a problem has not been resolved to your satisfaction, after you have made a formal complaint to us, then you may wish to contact the Care Quality Commission:

Care Quality Commission,
Finsbury Tower,
103-105 Bunhill Row,

CQC National Customer Service Centre,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 4PA.

Telephone: 03000 616161

If you require any further help or advice on how to make a comment suggestion or complaint, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Care2Care Services - Professional, Dedicated, Dependable Care Services

Tel: 0114 317 7942

Email: - Web: